I like the youth entrepreneurship. I like strong characters of those who firmly believe in their ideas and throw themselves headlong into their designs. I especially like the ones worn-exaltation of the press often portray an exaggerated emphasis on these phenomena. And only do damage. Why not Faceskin enough to paint the picture of desolation which connotes certain "startup" Italian. At worst, you know, there is no end. It is called Egomnia.
Matthew Achilli, founder of Egomnia. |
He is Matthew Achilli, 20, a student Bocconian. Any obvious joke in the comments referred to the attendance of the same Tommasi, please spare you. In March, Matthew launched Egomnia, a sort of Facebook that connects graduates and employers. In other words, a kind of petty to Linkedin but much less cool and totally devoid of any appeal. I exaggerate? See the home page and then tell me.
Matthew has gone to great. Cover of Panorama Economy in May, complete with coronation by acclamation as the "Italian Zuckerberg." Dozens of articles incensatori Once you emerge in every corner of our home network. Indeed, the President of the Province of Milan has believed so much in the project - carried verbatim from an interview that appeared in Linki esta - "My company has entrusted the task of expanding the target of the labor market also helping to make the institution itself match demand and supply of placement. " Amen. Institution that blesses you, here in Italy is always in fashion.
The BBC has devoted a long interview with the usual ceremonial and celebratory in tone smielati Soferino28. The usual story reground as an introduction: "They call him Zuckerberg Italian ...". What if he ends up believing one should not blame him so much, what with who makes us believe.
And we believe that Matthew when you get it instead of saying "thanks for the estimate, but go slowly," seized by an uncontrollable frenzy egocentric excess launches into dangerous gamble "in the first 24 hours, Facebook had 350 users, Egomnia 1000". Go ahead a minute of silence and resume only after reading. Maybe it was a joke, come on.
I will not go into the usual problems that plague some homegrown startups because, indeed, are always the same. We come to serious matters. Forgive the unconventional tone than before. Put us well all my sincere esteem turned to Matthew and those like him who has the courage to embark on such businesses. I am convinced that in principle are good at all. But let's face it, it takes a minimum of care. Why dear Matthew, when the press will shoot up so high does not make you almost never a big favor. And one, then, if you expect a bang beautiful strong. But if you limit yourself to remain a distant echo, which is lost in the noise of everything else, you are beautiful to burn.
Egomnia is embarrassing. Do not even need to register to see this. Just browse the links in the footer to realize this. I want to give him all possible mitigating and believe the limit on the project. But the mentality of a true startupper should be quite different. Before comparisons bandied unsustainable should look to the substance. Otherwise, the rest is just an empty box to outline and certainly do not make a good impression.
Especially because, one must acknowledge the honor of the others. Zuckerberg is some Italian. And I'm sorry Matthew, but the fierce sting of some, at least for now, does not live by the parties to Egomnia.
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