Saturday, 7 July 2012

When the technology is the ultimate grip on life and human dignity

This is the story of Tony Nicklinson, 58 years, seven years, suffering from what in English is called "Locked-in Syndrome". It 'a syndrome that paralyzes all voluntary muscles of the body except those that coordinate the movement of the eye and eyelid closure. Individuals who suffer from it can only express itself in the blink of an eye.

Tony Nick Linson.
Tony Nick Linson.
Tony's nightmare began in Athens in 2005. After an accident that damaged the trunk-brain, his body became a prison. His story is having tremendous resonance across the ocean. In short, Tony has asked a court to terminate its existence and ensure legal immunity to the doctor who will help him end his condition.

Tony can not commit suicide because technically unable to move. Anyone help him achieve his purpose would be accused of murder. The details of the story can light veils in this BBC article.

In these seven years' imprisonment, "Tony was able to converse with the world with a device that captures the movements of his eyes, and converts the text into synthetic speech. Two days ago he sent his first tweet: "Hello world. I am tony nicklinson, I have locked-in syndrome and this is my first ever tweet. #tony ".

The technology in these cases is the ultimate grip on life and what is left of the dignity of a man. The Twitter account of Tony here. This is the video.

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